Another entry in the classic FLAPPY genre . . .
sometimes its just nice to get a project out the door, especially when its your first game :)
So uh
Yeah that’s quite alright, honestly a very good game yeah, the ending is fine too, like alright. But do the comments on your performance get better if you perform better?
Woah, cool take on it.
It would be neat if there was a way to change anything about what is said or the ending (I'm proud of actually getting pretty far in the music, [maybe even getting it to loop?] on one of the runs on a reboot, so I don't think there is), but even still its a great twist (and maybe having another ending would defeat the intention/message, idk)
no, they don't change, they're all snippets ive scavenged from reviews of other flappy bird games on steam/appstores/etc
i liked the idea of having a fixed little poem where each segment is its own game over screen, but i think if someone were to run with that idea and have them change based on the game state that could lead somewhere cool.
thanks for the kind message <3
I never thought I would ever see an actually interesting take on flappy bird
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