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Cart #pgleste-1 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A mod that procedurally generates levels for CELESTE Classic. :)

Just a little project to see how well it could work, so each room uses the same procedure and doesn't have too much progression- was pleasantly surprised by some of the levels though!

Left/Right to set the seed at the title screen.

Below's a near-endless version of the above (32768 rooms) with perma-death and a run re-cap at the title screen.

Cart #endleste-0 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


amazing mod 10/10

I like it! 10/10 for me!

Bruh are other people reviewing mods now

have i lost power as the sole reviewer

Bit easy, but great!

Great mod :D

I found a penguin on 2400 m :)

@Meep how rare is the penguin?

@Rav81blaziken a penguin has a 0.6% chance of spawning

how do you know?

@Rav81blaziken, for every blank space above ground there's a 12.5% chance of spawning decoration, and out of the decorations, there's a 0.5% chance of being the penguin.

I wish the music kicked back in after 2200m (or maybe have the orb spawned somehow?), but overall great mod! I beat this faster than my vanilla Celeste pb. I can't wait to see speedruns of this.

I'm also pretty curious how the generation works. I might check the code.

@Scrubz I uploaded a fix that plays the post-gem music after 2200m- this was mostly an oversight cause I had PICO-8 muted while making this. Thanks for catching it!

@Meep well i had no problem finding several of penguins

5400 m lets go


I managed to find 2 penguins in one level.

i got a penguin!!

I got the penguin 3 times

oh wow @Tyxle

can the green hair chest spawn


also; no, the chest can not spawn

edit: better run:

very cool mod! i wish there were clouds and berries tho


Great mod, but there are a few problems.
-Too many balloons (occasionally there are just balloons in places for no reason, the generator must like them a lot lol)
-Random junk blocks (odd formations in nearly every level such as random nooks in the blocks or just random tiles placed in odd spots)
-No berries (this is more of a personal thing. don't take it too seriously!)

Apart from these, though, the game is great. It has some amazing generation every few levels and even has spots that look like they would be great for berries. It's also fun to play just to see what you get!

This is probably too long, hah.


How do you make sure that the level is solvable?

nice one !

This is cool, man.



why did I think that it was celeste protogen please help

Would it be possible to add strawberries to the generator? Or is that too hard?

i almost made 69 rooms, not cool :(


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