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A clone of The Sound of Sorting I made just to test and diagnose my QuickSort algorithm.
It may sound a little ridiculous on web, since the array access sounds tend to get lumped together into far fewer frames.

  • Press z to step
  • Hold z to disable step mode
  • Press x to switch sorting algorithm
  • Use up and down to control the number of entries.
  • Use left and right to control the speed.

Cart #sort_our_ship-2 | 2024-07-21 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Oh, btw, here's the quicksort algorithm without all the extra baggage.

-- An implementation of QuickSort which does not allocate new tables.
-- Mutates the provided table.
function sort(arr,key)
	local function insertion_sort(min,max)
		for i = min+1,max do
			for j = i,min+1,-1 do
				local item,other = arr[j],arr[j-1]
				if other[key] <= item[key] then break end
				arr[j],arr[j-1] = other,item

	local function quick_sort(min,max)
		-- This means there's one or none elements in the list.
		-- It literally cannot be unsorted.
		if min >= max then

		-- The pivot will be the median value between the first, last,
		-- and middle elements. This is done to avoid worst case scenarios
		-- where the pivot is already at the boundary between buckets.
		local pivot
		do -- The local variables here can be discarded after pivot selection.
			local pivot_i = flr((max+min)/2)
			pivot = arr[pivot_i][key]

			local first = arr[min][key]
			local last = arr[max][key]

			-- Bubble sort the first, middle, and last elements.
			if first > pivot then
				arr[min],arr[pivot_i] = arr[pivot_i],arr[min]
				first,pivot = pivot,first
			if pivot > last then
				arr[pivot_i],arr[max] = arr[max],arr[pivot_i]
				pivot = last -- last is unused from here on. Doesn't need to be valid.
			if first > pivot then
				arr[min],arr[pivot_i] = arr[pivot_i],arr[min]
				pivot = first -- first is unused from here on. Doesn't need to be valid.

		-- If there's three or fewer elements, it is already sorted.
		if max-min < 3 then return end

		local low,high = min+1,max-1
		while true do
			-- Find the first high bucket item in the low bucket,
			while low < high and arr[low][key] < pivot do
				low += 1
			-- and the last low bucket item in the high bucket.
			while low < high and arr[high][key] > pivot do
				high -= 1
			-- If they are the same item, we have sorted all elements into the buckets.
			if low >= high then break end

			-- Otherwise, swap the elements, so they are in the correct buckets.
			arr[low],arr[high] = arr[high],arr[low]
			-- We now know those two items are in the correct buckets, so we
			-- don't need to recheck them.
			low += 1
			high -= 1

		-- Sort the low bucket and the high bucket individually.
		-- insertion_sort is better for small buckets.
		local algo = high-min < 8 and insertion_sort or quick_sort
		algo = max-low < 8 and insertion_sort or quick_sort

	-- Sort everything
	local algo = #arr <= 8 and insertion_sort or quick_sort

	-- Return the sorted array. Since this function mutates the original,
	-- this is purely for convenience.
	return arr

Who are you??? Some sort of dev that just KNOWS what people want? This is great! Are these all the sorts that will fit in the code? It looks and sounds just like the YouTube video!

@Turbochop I'm a professional gamedev with many years of practice under my belt. So yeah, kinda.
The code can fit plenty more algorithms, and I designed the cartridge to be modular enough to just add more. I didn't 'cause I don't have the attention span to learn more sorting algorithms, but you are welcome to write one and submit it here, and I'll add it in.

@abledbody While I think sorting algorithms are really cool, I haven't the experience to code one myself. :( Maybe I could try to learn a bit, and see what I can come up with, if anything :D

@abledbody I managed to get a cocktail shaker sort working! For full transparency, I'd like to add that I used ChatGPT to generate this code. I also tried Radix, Heap, and Bitonic sorts but couldn't get them to work.

function cocktail_sort(arr, key, low, high)
    local swapped = true
    while swapped do
        swapped = false

        -- Traverse the list from low to high
        for i = low, high - 1 do
            if get(arr, i, key) > get(arr, i + 1, key) then
                swap(arr, i, i + 1)
                swapped = true

        -- If nothing moved, then the array is sorted
        if not swapped then

        -- Otherwise, reset the swapped flag so that it can be used in the next stage
        swapped = false

        -- Move the high endpoint back by one
        high = high - 1

        -- Traverse the list from high to low
        for i = high, low + 1, -1 do
            if get(arr, i, key) < get(arr, i - 1, key) then
                swap(arr, i, i - 1)
                swapped = true

        -- Increase the low endpoint by one
        low = low + 1

@Turbochop I've added the cocktail shaker algorithm, with a small optimization to move the low and high points to the last known swap so that they don't retread big sorted sections at the low and high ends.
I also fixed the visuals for bogo sort's validation step while I was at it.

BOGO sort is so frustrating to watch and might need a seizure warning lol....

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