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Hi zep,

I did send this trough mail but didn´t got an answer so i also post it here in case you missed it:

Can you look at how to solve high cpu usage in picotron? When i start picotron i have 2 seperate picotron threads that uses for about 14 to 19 %, wich both leads to about 40% of cpu usage of picotron alone, and this is only in idle when doing absolutely nothing in it and not loading anything within picotron, so no file is loaded within picotron, it's already at that cpu usage when just launching picotron and it stays that way also when keeping it open that way even if i let it just in the background.

Now i have an idea: would it be possible to have pico-8 within picotron? As far as i can see, it would make it much easier for you, just one application for you to maintain and update, fixing bugs..., and also for us users it's much easier to make things for pico-8 as making things in picotron within thesame application. pico-8 has it's own filetype and picotron has it's own filetype, so it can already see when it needs to have the specs for pico-8 or picotron. And with the better resolution in picotron it is also better to code within picotron for coding for pico-8, so benefits within picotron available for pico-8, the editing/coding with picotron specs while the limitations of pico-8 cards stay thesame at run time.

It's also like for example the commodore 64 and 128 in the time.... then you could code for the commodore 64 on the commodore 128.



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