You mentioned in your blog post that you plan to ship a more advanced version of your voxel editor with the game, and considering that your games are very user-generated-content-friendly, I was wondering if you know yet if there will be much opportunity for users making things for Voxatron. Granted, I still have virtually no idea what gameplay will be like, but the bright, flashy, and color things in the sword video are inspiring and make me want to create my own little world. Are there plans to allow things like mods or other forms of user-generated playable content?

The first version of the editor will be moderately powerful, allowing you to create most of the things that are in the main game. There are two parts to it -- designing voxel models to use as scenery, and also designing rooms in which you can place your models, along with monsters, pickups and other internal game objects. Each level has multiple rooms, so you can potentially design quite large worlds. It compresses really well though, so they are still small enough to be encoded as a png and plonked on the BBS.
Here's a screenshot of the work-in-progress editor. It's in room-editing mode, and the walls are instances of (rather uninteresting) models I've built in the voxel-drawing mode. The empty area down the bottom will be a timeline that allows you to specify when monsters and items appear during the level.
Click for fullsize:
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