Dani is late and needs to hurry! Help him make it through the desert without dying!
This is my first game using Pico 8 and my first time using Lua. Feedback is welcome!
Awesome, Doesnt the dani look like steve? I like the sand that comes behind you when you're running. When you die, its cool too. The only things I would add are a slide, no real functionality, just so you can do something between the cactus. And maybe some clouds, nice game :)
Thanks for the feedback! Agreed. I want to add clouds and more interesting obstacles eventually... maybe tumble weeds... buzzards?
This is pretty cool! I like how there are actually different platform combos instead of just the different height cactuses over and over.
I think it would be good if they spawned closer to each other because as of now you can just do a full sized jump to finish off any obstacle pattern without worry of running into the next one.
Anyway nice job!
What if you make optional risky parts that give you a score boost or a power up to spice up the gameplay
Also you could change the aria which different types of obstacles depending on score
Also you might want a high score screen or display your high score near the score indicator
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