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Cart #thinevoidbeckons-2 | 2024-03-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Thine Void Beckons

Protect yourselves with demonic entities to thieve a prize.

You have entered a void of your own creation in search of a dark and terrible prize. However, it 👁️ seeks you, and you have a limited amount of time before it 👁️ finds you. Collect entities, and use the shrines located in the void to empower them in an effort to survive an encounter with it 👁️. All you can do is wait while your entities do battle. If you survive... the prize shall be yours.



⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ - Movement
❎or X - Menu/Select
🅾️ or Z or C - Select

How to Play

Search the void for eggs containing various entities. Each have their strengths and weaknesses, and once caught, will protect you with all of the inherent violence that demons have. You can see how strong an entity is in relation to others of its kind by viewing its 🔪 and 🛡️.

You have a limited number of steps to explore with, and activating temples will cost additional time. Some walls can be traversed by spending time to unblock them.


P#142515 2024-03-06 18:52 ( Edited 2024-03-07 19:34)

Loved it wish you could improve the defense during battle but other than that great game
Loved the ending

P#142522 2024-03-06 23:10

Cracked the code, beat the game.

Skip eggs until you get a few extra action points. Then, start opening eggs, upgrading the monster twice, upgrading your chance to catch them twice, then with your last action point try catching them. Keep only the best.

Doing this I managed to beat the last boss with some high powered monsters. HOwever, there was one time I had some monsters, almost all 9/9, but one of them just didn't want to fight. It hung out at the bottom of the screen until it died, after the rest valiantly lost to the eyeball.

P#142645 2024-03-08 23:23

This game looks amazing! I'm excited to give it a go :)

P#144437 2024-03-25 15:37

Takes a quick second to get the loop down, but it's a fun little game with enough RNG to make it replayable for future runs. Great atmosphere as well.

P#148460 2024-05-16 05:46

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