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Pico Paint 2.0

Pico Paint is a really nice painting program I made with Pico-8. Caution: this cartridge is a huge work in progress and there is more that needs to get added.

Update Log


  • Added a screenshot mode
  • Added an option to toggle the alternate color palette


LMB to paint
RMB to erase
Scroll to change color
X to pick color from pixel (doesn't work for BG)
Z to set BG color to current color
Hold W/TAB to enable screenshot mode

Cart #picop8nt-1 | 2024-02-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Nice start, I'll keep an eye on your progress. What is your objective, functionality wise ?
If 16x16 is the intended target resolution, You could use 32 colors mode.
A useful addition to the menu could be "copy 16x16 sprite to the clipboard" so the drawn sprite can be pasted in pico8 or in the BBS.

This is beautiful. This is definitely going somewhere. Can we get some sort of screenshot mode? I never realized how pretty the pixels are up close.

Above is an Orb, which I'm obsessed with.

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