A simple single-draw solitaire game.
- You can navigate the board with the directional buttons, Z to select/move a card and X to deselect.
- You can move cards to a stack by selecting anywhere on the stack.
- You can move the card from the end of a stack to the 4 spaces at the top (if possible) by double selecting the stack.

Pretty ambitious to squeeze solitaire on a pico-8 screen.
Couldn't figure out what the number in the top left corner was.
Got pretty confused with the black 6 and 9s, maybe the should be an exception and not have the upside down number ?
clubs and spaces are hard to distinguish, (6x5 pixels ? I'm amazed it's recognizable at all) Maybe add an option in the pause menu to turn one green ?
Game crashed in the end, but I had no moves left and cycled the cards a few times so it might be related to game over.

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback.
The number in the top left is the score. I do have plenty of room up there so I can write score next to it to make it clearer.
Yeah, having to make the cards so short makes the cards a little cluttered and confusing, I think having the rotated rank and suit on the bottom of the card is pretty unnecessary so I will remove them.
I think having an option to make all the suits different colours is a good idea. I'll add one to make the red suits two warm colours and the black suits two cool colours.
The crash should be fixed in the latest version. It happens when you select an empty slot in the scoring area at the top.

Really well done so far. Thank you! I could see this as a great engine for some other solo 52 card games I play irl. Card Capture, Scoundrel, Regicide, and Grid Cannon are also excellent solo games that use playing cards. Check YouTube for if anyone is curious about those games :)

Hey @Huwans, the game code is specifically written for Solitaire, it's not using a card game engine library or engine. But since all the card games you've listed are single player and turn based, programming them is not the hardest part. If you're interested, we could do them together. What I'd need is mock-up pico screens, including sprites for all the cards, and how the game interface would work. Some pointers to game rules in text format would also be welcome. I checked Card Capture, and its very reminiscent of Donsol (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=75741) that is already programmed in pico-8.
@alxnns1 Thanks for the color change options, much more readable.

Sound good, @RealShadowCaster! I can certainly do some mock-ups. I am more into graphic design than coding :)
Here is a link to a PC version of Gridcannon (free) rules: basically, its a grid with J, Q, K on the outer edges. The players adds two cards together on the inner grid to beat the cards on the outer sides. Its easy to learn and fun to play!
And here are the 12x12 suits I had in mind for the cards. The cards can be larger since they do not need to show what is below them

Very well done, but there could be a better way of indicating a win (i just checked you use a return in _update(), but stop() with a message would be better id say XD), also my score was around 400 ;)
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