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Cart #rl_launcher-2 | 2024-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

❎ to select (or toggle tag)
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I'm back with another silly game launcher. this time, I think my scope is better, and I'm only doing roguelikes. if you have ones you want to be added, just post them, along with any of the tags that apply, thanks for checking this out <3

just to be helpful, here's the games in it so far

grassland survivor
beckon the hellspawn
birds with guns
mystic dungeon
kingslayers remastered
buns:bunny survivor
adelie rolling in the deep


Err, interesting concept but should definitely be in WIP.
There's only 5 games ATM but if the list was long, the way the checkboxes work doesn't make much sense : Games have multiple categories and you grey out those that categories in the unchecked boxes. If I want to play, say, a winnable turn based game, I'll see lich king that has exactly those categories, but won't see porklike because it has a category that is unchecked.
You could deal with complex AND/OR and parenthesis, a bit like when using an advanced file search or email search, for example, but a relatively simple solution is to have just 3 values for your check-boxes : a "don't care" that corresponds to your current checked category, a checked state that means games must have the category, and an unchecked category that corresponds to you current X : exclude games from the list.

A few roguelike suggestions :

Jack of spades (turn based card)
beckon the hellspawn (action)
grassland survivor (action)
yggdrasil (turn based porklike)
king slayers remastered (turn based)
buns:bunny survivor (action)
bloodmoon (action zelda-like)

Ideally you should be able to add your games and categories yourself and have is saved with cstore()
(cartdata is too small)

@RealShadowCaster thanks for the feedback (also, some of those aren't roguelikes, as far as I know....

@Sup3rAw3som3Gam3r , it's your list :p
I've played the text mode roguelikes on DOS in my youth, so Jack of spades (explore map, level up with battles, find treasures) or king slayers (turn based, hard impactful decisions, grid map, perma-death) feel more roguelike to me gameplay wise than the games in the vein of vampire survivors. Most would disagree, and I'm fine with that, take your pick.

@RealShadowCaster I'm kinda generalizing to roguelike/roguelite


i find your lack of "ruby eyes" disturbing

@prismo18 the lack of ruby eyes is just due to the fact that I am still adding games, this will be fixed soon

Do you think you could add
And water under the bridge

You should make a Metroidvania launcher.

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