Make your way through an unforgiving world... full of birds
A mini-platformer inspired by Limbo. You're a girl stuck in the rain, just trying to make it through.
Preview of some birds

And more birds

Background / Credits
This is my first game. I discovered pico-8 a little earlier this year and had to give it a try. Like many others, I was inspired by all of the great carts out there. In particular, I got a ton of value from this post by shy, the lazy dev shmups content, and this cart on fractal trees from bjornkri.
v1.1: Fixed bug with raven respawning / faulty crow scene logic afterwards (thanks to Phil for reporting)

A really, really beatiful cart. Amazing atmosphere and aesthetics. Love the rain and wind effects.
However I did find the gampelay a little frustrating at times and would have preferred a couple more checkpoints.
I also found a bug which I think is reproducible:

Ever felt like the weather is mocking you ? When you run home under the rain and it stops right when you unlock the door ?
The game feels hard thanks to it's mood and quick death, but is actually short and fair once you memorize the patterns after a few death.
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