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Cart #amidar-3 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My Pico-8 version of the 1981 Konami arcade game.

How to Play

Most "enemies" (the Amidar) follow a set movement pattern. The blue enemies are tracers and circuit the outside. On later levels, after a set number of circuits, they start to chase you!

Bonus life at 20,000 and 80,000 points.

Odd Numbered Levels

You are the gorilla. Collect all the "coconuts" whilst avoiding the enemies.

Filling all 4 corners will scare the enemies and you can stun them by running into them.

Even Numbered Levels

You are the paint roller. Once you've filled the first rectangle, you must pick up paint from the edges and fill adjacent rectangles. If you wander too far into a non-adjacent rectangle, the unfilled paint path is cleared.

Avoid the pigs.

Filling all 4 corners will scare the enemies and you can stun them by running into them.

Bonus Level 1

Pick the correct path to guide the pig to the bunch of bananas.

Heracleum has an excellent trainer for this:

Bonus Level 2

Not in the original, just something I made up.

You are the gorilla and must avoid the bubbles fired by the hippos by hiding behind barriers. The row of hippos about to fire will briefly flash, giving you time to hide.

This is based on the Mario Party mini-game, "Skewer Scurry". You can see how it is played, here:


  • [X] - Jump (make the enemies jump. 3 jumps per round)

Thanks To

  • @obvex for the fantastic logo

Version History

0.80 - 19-Dec-2023 - Released
0.81 - 23-Dec-2023 - Fixed "s.jumpdy" crash (hopefully)
0.82 - 23-Dec-2023 - Gorilla could turn into roller on hippo level
0.83 - 17-Jan-2023 - Fixed bonus for stunning enemies not being awarded!


Really good. I did have it crash on the third stage- I think it was line 870, and I think jumpdy was the culprit. Sorry, when I when to take a screenshot I closed the tab accidentally...

@queequeg, damn, I'll look into that. Thanks for report it. Hadn't had a crash for ages. Wonder if the minification process has broken something.

@queequeg, were you playing the version from this page or via splore?

Looking through the code, I can't see any obvious issue and have played this version up to level 6. A little puzzling!

A really good port. Very enjoyable to play. And the title screen is quite something!

The death sound is just epic! Thank u

I'm afraid the game crashed when I got to the second level...

@queequeg @dredds Although I couldn't recreate the issue, I've added a safeguard to (hopefully) prevent it happening. Please let me know if this version (0.81) experiences any issues. Thanks for reporting.

Had fun. somehow made it to level4, those paintroller stages are brutal!
I was playing the hippo minigame and for a second at the start my player was a ape and then they turned into the paintroller for the rest of the minigame. not sure why. Didn't expirence a crash though


Thanks @SmellyFishstiks. I knew adding that level late-in-the-day would come back and bite me! Should all be fixed now.

Another amazing demake for the incredible @pahammond. I love this version, although I never played the original much as a kid, the music for some reason is ingrained in my brain. The extra bonus level is really welcome, although if the barriers are too far away from each other then it seems a bit more down to luck. But the idea of taking an existing game and then adding additional elements is awesome.

No sign of any crashes. Got to level 6 but now that the tracers are coming straight at you, its about as far as I'm going to get.

Love It! More arcades demakes are welcome :)

Hi @pahammond - I've been enjoying this game but noticed that my scores were fairly consistent across runs. I noticed that when you get a power-up the points for hitting an enemy are not added to the players score.


No idea what happened to a bug report from @phil that stun bonuses weren't being awarded (I was on holiday so couldn't fix immediately). Anyway, thanks and I've fixed in in version 0.83.

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