Just a quick one made this morning. It implements the rules for the classic game Othello (aka Reversi) and has a computer player with customizable difficulty.

Ah, but suppose I don't want to have the color black for my pips ?

These aren't quite the rules for Othello. You've implemented an older rule here (from before the game started to be called that), the part where the game ends immediately if a player has no movies. Most rulesets nowadays has the player pass in that case. This makes the ai a bit interesting in that it's utterly terrible at openings (I would suggest hard mode have a precached set of openings to follow if you want to improve it), but if the player is used to the more common rules they can lose from not realizing the ai had no more moves left.
Case in point in this image. The ai just kinda gave me all the side and corner spaces, but I didn't start grabbing all the opponent pieces yet cause I'm used to not having to.
To clarify, the problem with the ai's openings is that it doesn't focus enough on staying inside the center 16 tiles. By going outside so readily, it just gives up the edge tiles, which makes it really easy to just dominate over the ai.
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