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my first try ever at PICO-8 coding \:D/

Cart #25366 | 2016-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

sorry for the very bad "music", I did everything in one weekend and the tracker is a bit buggy and hard to use with a french keyboard layout :3

the updated version feature a background starfield, a better logo and the animation use the new _update60 function :)


Ha, very nice!

That little bit of music seems pretty good to me tbh.

/me rides the beautiful demo waves.

the x/y coordinates made me try the keyboard controls ;)

very cool

thank you! :3

@matt: you can also hide/show the menu with the buttons :)

btw I used the both buttons, one to show and one to hide because using the same button to switch state seems not possible because the "event" repetition is too fast (or perhaps I missed something in the doc...).

ho also! the "save video" option doesn't work under linux, it's possible to ask someone to save a video for me? :3

Razor1911? The last thing we need is Pico-8 available on torrents!

Anyway, cool thing you made. The music isn't bad, but it's kinda short and therefore get repetitive fast. Want actual bad pico music? Go play my WIP game, Heavy Duty Sprinkler or watch Transdimensional Butterfly.

@darkhog: thank you! btw, I'm from the demoscene part of the crew, Pico-8 will not be cracked ;)

also, you have to know that cracking crew just crack games and do not distribute them on torrent. the people who share cracked game are the same assholes who wants to make money with it. the crackers only plays the game of cracking :)

Are you sure? Because my friend played Crysis apparently cracked with Razor (with keygen at all). :) Anyway, just checked and sadly someone uploaded Pico-8 to the TPB (probably some nobody who doesn't know first thing about cracking since Pico is drm-free).

@rez: check out the command btnp

rez \o/

Rez \o/

(Yes I know I'm here twice, I sort of managed to mess up my login/access, but it was worth buying another copy of pico-8 anyway (: )

@rez: you usually want to use btnp for 'trigger' and btn for 'hold'. The former automatically does repeats on a sane schedule (every four frames after fifteen frames), while the latter just tells you the direct state.

Very nice scroll !

EDIT : this music is far from being crap, just missing a following :p I didn't play with the keys at first time >< you rock ;)

I really love this. It's clever and well done.

☝️ Spam. Don't click. @zep

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