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Cart #victorhalloween-2 | 2023-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Press "A" on a GamePad or "Z" on a Keyboard to activate power.
Use the D-Pad or Arrow keys to move.



Pressione "A" em um GamePad ou "Z" no teclado para ativar o poder.
Use o D-Pad ou as Setas para mover.


How to Play

  1. Each costume has a Special Power that when activated gives you access to hidden treasures.
    There are 5 costumes:

    • Skeleton (Power: Opens Locked Doors)
    • Frankenstein (Power: Breaks Rocks and Trash Cans)
    • Swamp Monster (Power: Swims on Lakes)
    • Dracula (Power: Flies over Hills)
    • Witch (Power: Turns Ghosts into Frogs)
  2. Collect all the coins to advance to the next level.
  3. Collect candy for bonus points.
  4. One diamond is hidden in every level


Como Jogar

  1. Cada fantasia tem um pode especial, quando ativado abre novos caminhos para tesouro escondidos. São 5 fantasias ao todo:
    • Esqueleto (Poder: Abre Portas Trancadas)
    • Frankenstein (Poder: Quebra pedras e lixeiras)
    • Monstro do Pântano (Poder: Nada em Lagos)
    • Drácula (Poder: Voa sobre Colinas)
    • Bruxa (Poder: Transforma Fantasmas em Sapos)
  2. Junte todas as moedas para liberar a fase seguinte.
  3. Pegue doces para aumentar seu score final.
  4. Tem um diamante secreto em todas as 8 fases.

Cover Art by kaique vieira


It's Alive!

It's Halloween and my favorite game this time of the year has always been the legacy flash game titled "Trick or Treat BEAT!" from CartoonNetwork.com since I was 10 years old. Flash Software has been discontinued from Browsers and took with it a library of thousands of games, but thanks to Flashpoint Archive project most of them are preserved on computers.
The problem is, what about handhelds? Well, PICO-8 is the solution! I never coded a game before, this project started with me following the "PICO-8 Top-Down Adventure Game Tutorial" 10 part series by Dylan Bennett, but later I got stuck, until finally a friend suggested me to try ChatGPT for debugging and BAM! Prompt after prompt I started reverse engineering the original Flash Game into a 1 by 1 PICO-8 DeMake. My coding sucks, I bet there are a bunch of redundancies, but the game loop is complete, therefore, IT'S ALIVE! I hope you enjoy. Feedback and even help is welcome.


Está Vivo!

Halloween chegou e meu jogo favorito essa época do ano sempre foi o Flash game "Trick or Treat BEAT!" do CartoonNetwork.com desde que eu era uma criança. Com o software Flash descontinuado nos navegadores, milhares de jogos desapareceram, mas felizmente, a maioria está preservada e disponível em computadores graças ao projeto Flashpoint Archive. Mas e os consoles portáteis? Bem, PICO-8 é a solução! Esta é minha primeira vez escrevendo código pra games, comecei com a série de 10 partes "PICO-8 Top-Down Adventure Game Tutorial" por Dylan Bennett. Só que eventualmente eu travei, até que um amigo sugeriu o ChatGPT para depuração e BAM! Prompt após prompt, fiz engenharia reversa do Flash Game original em um DeMake PICO-8. Meu código tá longe de perfeito, tá cheio de redundâncias, mas o loop do jogo está completo, por isso, ESTÁ VIVO! Espero que gostem. Comentários e assistência são bem-vindos.



Original Flash Game Published by Cartoon Network
Original Flash Game Developed by This is Pop
Original Flash Game Preserved by Flashpoint Archive
Most Map Sprites from the Pico-8 game The Lost Night with assets under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
Cartoon Network Character Sprites by Johan Vinet (also check out his latest game LUNARK)
Halloween Costume Sprites by SockyStudios61
Ghost and Swamp Monster Sprites by Ulises Freitas
Didn't find the author of the Skeleton Costume Sprite but it seems inspired by Legends of Yore
Music and Sound Effects by Gruber (check out his Patreon with Tutorials and Assets)
Cover Art by kaique vieira
If you see any of your work in my project and you are not credited, please reach out to me so I can add your name or replace the assets if necessary.



incrivel quero mais jogos agora


Amazing game!


This was a lovely little game to chill with on Halloween Night, very charming!


What an interesting game this in Halloween connections puzzle


Nice short game! I got couple setbacks due to not knowing what's left and what's not. But eventually, I got all candies, coins and diamonds in all levels.


por favor Victor faz mais fases pois eu amei o jogo

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