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Cart #rakejeromo-0 | 2023-10-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Created by a 6 1/2 year-old, after the creation of her first game idea she wanted to do a runner style game inspired by another game I created, Hanukkah Runner, which she plays off and on. This time not only did she come up with the entire concept she also did a few of the graphics and was a lot more involved in the design aspects, acting as the art director too.



I'll continue our conversation here because I also like this title(maybe a little more than the other one). It was interesting to read your description of the process-i work with kids from 1-6 as an educator, and I think you can be proud to have achieved an hour! This title specifically shows how different younger people react to game concepts. This is rapid fire, level after level whereas we would probably have designed it a little slower. The thrill of the concept of the sharks is probably the biggest pull here, and I can see what your kid loved about it. Thank you for sharing and greetings to your game director, good job you two! Keep up the good work, I´m looking forward to playing the next title(with some music maybe?)
Maybe you could use paper or minifigures to plan out the UI and general look of the game-this way the kid can participate more and describe their idea a little better to you

The shark is an on-going family thing, the shark likes eating toes thus became the obvious choice of a bad guy XD

I will pass on your comment and try out the suggestion next time.

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