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Cart #bittienetworkwip1-0 | 2023-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


feel free to read the full Devlog.

this project is a homage to megaman battlenetwork and a space for me to learn deeper memory tricks in Pico-8, plan for a future MMBN style action tactics battler project, and generally flex my artistic skills.

the battle field is arranged as an Array, and each tile is an object in that array filled with the current needed information. hit checks are done against that array for collisions. movement is done by altering the tile an entity is on. later the sprites for the enemies might lerp between tiles while megaman will always teleport, ill use fillp later to emulate the digitized teleport he does.

stay tuned for more in this space.



Hot damn. This is so cool! One of my fav games.

@ParaDymeTV aww thanks, me too. im really going to push the Pico-8 as far as possible for graphics. just to get something like 8 unique enemies and 10 cards for your deck, with all the associated art, will be intense.

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