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I thought it was strange to restrict update posts to twitter, so here it is!

This is a project ive been working on for a few months and so far its about 1/4th the way done! now what is it though?

This is a game based of Scanner Sombre, a game/trend that was popular for about 2 weeks. Normal scanner sombre is a 1st person horror game where you cannot see and must use a Lidar scanner to sort of "Paint" dots on surfaces to see. after i watched Fundy make his version, i thought to myself: "huh. why cant i do that too?"

Then i decided to make a scanner sombre type game in pico-8! Obviously i do not have the brain power to make a 3D game in pico-8, so i decided to do something more... Creative. I opted to make it a top-down maze game with some puzzle elements and obstacles. The only catch, is that you Cant see the maze. obviously. Puzzle elements i will show later, Ill show the chase sequence after that, and then ill update you all if i add any other big features. for now, here is what i CAN tell you.

The game takes place in a maze where you cannot see anything but pixels you've mapped out, and the player, as well as the HUD. The player is a yellow single pixel and it leaves a trail which deleats quickly. The player trail also removes mapped tiles, so be careful where you step! your main ways of seeing are with X and Z. Pressing X will scan a short area around the player at a slower rate, and pressing Z will shoot a large burst of lines (lazers) that can scan further, but you only have a limited charge and once your charge is used up, it takes a long time to recharge, forcing the player to press on with lower visibility, causing them to make mistakes more often, making the game more challenging. this psudo-horror aspect only really comes into effect during the chase sequence.

Here is a short video showing the first level and some basic mechanics:



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