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Cart #roastmaster-1 | 2023-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello! This is my first ever pico 8 game, my first ever game jam entry, and my first ever completed game! I'm very proud to have completed my first project, and I think it's very fun. I've yet to implement an ingame tutorial, but here is some more detailed info:

Ever wanted to be a top notch #1 barista worker? Play RoastMaster™ to achieve the highest score without messing up an order!


Arrow keys - navigation

"X" / "A" on controller/keyboard - select

On Gameover, press "z" or "b" on controller to reset the game

"Esc" / "Start" - pause game / reset / options

Use the arrow keys or grab the DPad of your controller to navigate the beautiful tactile interface our engineers here at RoastMaster™ Industries have created . Press "x" to make a selection or "a" if you fancy a controller.


To serve your customers, start by turning the machine on.

You have to put the coffee somewhere, so add a cup.
If you don't want what you've made, you can always get rid of it with the reset button.

Each customer who enters the RoastMaster™ Cafe™ will order one of 6 shades of coffee. The scale starts at Milk. At the bottom, we have Dark Roast and Light Roast. The other shades can be made by mixing these three ingredients together; experiment!

Be sure to watch the fill line to the left of the cup; too little coffee and your customers will leave unhappy, and too much can cause a mess.

If you want to add a little extra liquid without changing shades, the ice dispenser is here for you! Just drop off few of them in, free of charge, and watch the customer's eyes light up with delight. Or don't, I don't care.

You'll also notice that you're on a strict timer. That's how we do it here at RoastMaster™. Take too long to serve the customer, and they leave. You'll lose a life, of which you only have 3. Be careful. We do not provide health insurance.

Be sure to slap that ENJOY button at the end to send that drink to the customer in time.


Fulfilling a correct order will result in +1 point, multiplied by any active multiplier.

Multipliers are gained by continuing successive combos of orders. Go for the high score! Or honestly chill out and play slow and listen to the soundtrack.

This is an entry in the 2023 1-Bit Game Jam

by @iquill

sound music @lydonmusic


This is great!

Thank you for the instructions in the post, I tried figuring it out on my own and failed haha. I like the "control panel" aesthetic, it feels technical and it is fun to press the buttons.

It took me several attempts to get fast enough to keep up, but once I got over that it was fun to play. You can really get into a groove with it.

The music adds a lot to it.

Oh wow! This was a whole lotta fun! As the previous commenter said, I also tried figuring it out for myself but got kinda confused. The instructions helped a lot and once you get in the groove you kinda flow with it. Feels like a great Game & Watch Gallery type of game that you could spend way longer than you expected to playing ;)

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