Hidden Shapes is a puzzle game about finding 2D shapes on 3D objects.
Each puzzle features a 3D object that can be rotated, scaled and moved. This object is made of triangles that you can turn on and off. Your goal is to fill up a flat 2D shape (your goal shape) by selecting the right triangles and making them exactly match that shape.
The goal shape is always revealed at the beginning of each level for 3 seconds. After that, whenever you want to see it again for a moment, you'll need to trigger a check. If you think that you've solved a puzzle, you'll also need to "check" you progress.
Can you solve the puzzles in the least number of "checks"? Can you solve them quickly? Highscores are saved, so you can try to beat yourself!
- 18 increasingly challenging puzzles
- 2 difficulty levels: Normal & Hard
- 2 palette of colors: Light & Dark
- Persistent user data to save your highscores
- Arrow keys: menu navigation / move cursor / rotate&scale
- Press X: start / confirm / action
- Hold X: trigger "check"
- Z: go back / change mode
Change log
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
- Initial version.
This is my first PICO-8 game. Hope you enjoy it! <3
@vteromero excellent work especially for a first pico8 game 👌
Lots of nice gfx details even subtle like the background tile slide, the triangles in main menu, good stuff 👍
I've found the controls hard initially since the game is basically "❎ as main action" while I'm usually ⭕️-oriented (but no big deal, there are these two schools of thought, none is right or wrong)
Thank you @Heracleum! For the kind of game this is, I thougth it was important to add "juciness" as it'd look quite empty otherwise.
Regarding the controls, I'm not sold on either way. I struggled to decide which approach to take tbh. There are some games (Lava Joe for example) that let you change the controls, but I didn't bother to add such as functionality
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