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Cart #catatac_v1-1 | 2023-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to play

Move - Use arrow keys

Shoot Bullet - Press/Hold X/V

Shoot Special Bullet - Press/Hold Z/C


Catatac is a Shmup (Shoot-em-up) game in which you control a ship and you need to defeat the evil cats with your laser beam. You have 6 different ships to choose, 5 powerups to get, and 8 types of enemies to defeat!


If you experience a bug, comment below and describe the bug in detail, and what version your playing on. You can check the version on the top left corner in the start screen.

If you have a suggestion, comment below with the suggestion and i might add it in the next update, if i dont run out of token space.

Behind the scenes

(Its hidden because there is too much text, so if you don't want to see it, don't click it.)

This game took me a total of 41 days to finish, but I got lazy on some days so its more of a 27-33 days. The project originally started on August 21 2022, but I stopped working on it because of complications. Then, I rediscovered the tutorial that krystman created and decided "why not give it another shot?" and so the journey began again.

The farthest I've got on my first attempt, around 4 videos in on the tutorial

first few days were pretty quick on implementing the basics, because I was following the tutorial and not deviating and creating my own things.

By the time I reached the middle of the tutorial, I decided I wanted to make different difficulties stuff, so I created different ships. One of the problems I had was that my powerup's are not working, because in the tutorial there is 1 powerup which is much simpler than what I have, and I overcomplicated the program by making another bullet object, pbul (stands for powerup bullet). Because of that, I had to add more logic and not break the program without any help. When I finally fixed the problem, I closed my laptop and took a break, but when I came back, I realized I didn't save my progress and I forgot to put my laptop on charge, so I lost 4-5 days of work creating the powerup system, creating the difficulty system and fixing many bugs. I almost quit at that moment, and wasn't developing the game for a couple of days, so I lost some time and had less days before my deadline, July 31, 2023.

This is right before I started implementing the powerups

The reason I set a harsh deadline is because on my first attempt I did not have one and I just thought I can "finish it later", and we all know how that turned out, so this time I set a harsh deadline to finish it by the end of July, so at least I had a messy, but finished game than a polished not finished game. I plan on expanding on this game, adding new features and maybe reworking the entire game from scratch(?) but that's for future me to worry about.

TLDR: First attempt failed because of complications, Second attempt almost failed because i forgot to save once, learned my lesson to save frequently and to set deadlines.


Me: For not giving up on this project.

Lazy Devs: For creating the tutorial, without it I would not have posted anything. If you want to create something like this, I'd highly recommend his Youtube tutorial.

Aktane: For inspiring the star movement when the ship moves


Love it

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