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Cart #gurabekpe-0 | 2023-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I am Gavin Watkins and I have made my first ever video game! This is it!

Story: A man in a blue spacesuit is selected to go on a sudden mission by the government, but has crash landed on a strange alien planet on his way to his objective. Help him to collect enough energy orbs to fuel his spaceship and escape the planet! Listen to his story and wisdom as it unfolds on the bottom chunk of the screen.

Instructions: Use the directional arrow keys to move the blue spaceman.
Use one of the buttons to show the aiming cursor. (C key on keyboards) This will help you aim and it will also speed up the reloading of your ammo (top left corner).
Use the other button to fire a laser blast! (V key on keyboards) This will decrease your ammo by 1, and if you hit the yellow enemy, it will kill it, causing him to re-spawn elsewhere.
Collect 100 energy orbs to beat the game! Collect 110 orbs for the final secret!
If the yellow enemy touches you, you will re-spawn elsewhere, and your death count will increase by 1.
The brown area of the screen at the bottom will display text. This text will change to display the next part of the story in chronological order. Once you have 110 energy orbs, that is the final text message that will display.

Thank you for playing! :)



That's pretty cool. I struggled with the aiming so didn't make much progress at first until I realised I didn't need to kill the alien and could just fly around it. The movement was fun, I liked the acceleration and luring the alien away from orbs and then dashing behind it was cool.
Also I like how you told the story as the game progressed.
Well done.

Thanks @Godmil . I’m new to the forum format so I’m not sure if like directly replying is an option or if this will notify you or not. I think I’m going to update the game to make it easier and also include a better tutorial to make the mechanics clearer. I didn’t have this play tested before releasing so this release is my play test essentially, and a lot of my friends said similar things. I’m glad you enjoyed it though! I’m already working on the next patch with tighter mechanics and more features. :)

i would suggest i can get advantage when i shoot the alien sometimes alien just die no reason
basically have to put some additional alien or weapon as you progress
controls are overall slippery

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