Hi @zep! :)
I was just reading through the manual and noticed sfx()
accepts an offset value to begin playback at an arbitrary note, 0-31. I think it would be super dope for music()
to also accept an offset param!
Combined with stat(54)
, it would allow you to track the playback of a main song, interrupt it with some special event song, and then resume playback of the main song exactly where it left off instead of at the beginning of the pattern. (Both of my games do this and it's always bothered me to hear the beginning of the pattern repeated after the special event ends, lol)
Thanks for your time and consideration!
Ya I think that could be a cool feature just let you resume roughly the same spot as you ended if you interrupt and swap the music maybe
this is a nice idea; what should happen when two of the sfx in your music have different SPD values? I think each one get set to the same offset, but it's a bit strange because a different amount of time has passed for each
@pancelor Sorry, I wasn't clear about that in the original post! music()
could accept a tick offset (like reported by stat(56)
) instead of a note offset, since, as u mention, any sfx in a pattern could be playing back any note number at a given tick!
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