Bounce tiny drops that fall from the sky to make music! This began as a 500-character cart for TweetTweetJam 8. Or check this cart out on Itch!
by luchak

The latest version adds many more editing features, as well as save/load and audio export.
- Click and drag the mouse to draw lines, or to move line endpoints.
- Z/X deletes a line. If your mouse is over a line endpoint, it'll delete that line, otherwise it'll delete the newest line.
- Left/right changes line sounds. If your mouse is over a line endpoint, it'll change that line's sound, otherwise it'll change the sound for new lines.
- Up/down changes the interval between drops.
- E to start/stop audio export.
- S to save to the clipboard. In the web version, you'll need to press ctrl-C after this to complete the copy. (Or, on a Mac, ctrl-C so PICO-8 notices and then cmd-C.)
- R to restore from the clipboard.
- N to get a new empty scene.
- When you paste a saved scene into PICO-8, Tiny Drops will automatically load it. In the web version on Mac, you'll need to press cmd-V to paste and then ctrl-V to get PICO-8 to notice the paste.
Known issues
- Can get slow if you trap too many drops on the screen.
- When you start to create a line, you may hear "phantom" bounces until you start dragging the mouse. (Happens with 0-length lines.)
500-Character Jam Version
This version has no save/load, no audio export, and no concept of line hovering or editing existing lines:
by luchak

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