Here's an orange and some sandwiches for The Wizard. Use the dpad (or cursors) to control the owl, and watch out for castle creatures. Also, take care of the basket ~~ if it hits a wall too hard, it might smash. Good luck!
This is a short game made for Ludum Dare vol.53

Cleared with 6 restarts on my first try, there was only one map that really gave me trouble plus the seekers catching me by surprise the first time... mm. :3 Good game, very cute.
At first I was looking for sandwiches and oranges to collect in my basket, but that wasn't the goal.

Gah! I had to restart 56 times before the wizard got his lunch!
Oh well, nice game!

Ha cute!
20 restarts at first run and it seemed not bad also considering I smashed it a few times just to test its resistance on impact (less than 10 at first run, wha-how?!)

36 restarts. i tought i would need more! really fun to play :D

Thanks, I enjoyed this game. Was one of the first I tried on Pico-8

Loved it so cute, and i love how all the food smashes everywhere when you lose haha

I love this. The sprites are perfect, the movements have such flow
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