my first game, spaceballs!
x- select
o- back
x- use move(ingame)
a highly addictive space pool simulation with multiple modes and co-op
you can enjoy being the white ball and ramming the little balls into the goals or use the launch move to
simulate a more poolcue-like experience
i hope you enjoy i thought it was super fun so tell your friends!
patch 1.1 notes-
screenshake is scaled based on ball speed/direction, goals are smaller for difficulty,
and balls bouncing off goals when their speed is over 2 pps is fixed now,
as well as a menu selection bug
patch 1.2 notes-
added music, game is finished:)

Nice physics and controls. The game just needs a little bit more to push it over the edge into being really fun.
One confusion is: Are you supposed to match the ball colors to the corner colors? If not, why color the corners?
Right now it seems to be just get all the balls into any corner as fast as possible. So the best time comes from spamming the shoot button without trying to aim.
Just some suggestions for ways to add challenge and skill:
- add a counter to track the number of shots and make each shot add to the time.
or - create different levels where the balls start in different formations and have a timer count down to get all balls in corners before time runs out.
and/or - Add a punishment for losing your player ball into a corner.
Well done for your first game!
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