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Cart #tiles2-0 | 2023-04-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Arrowkeys to move.


If this code looks like it was written by a first time programmer, that's because it is.
This simple, probably very inefficiently written game, wil hopefully continue to evolve a bit as i learn the basics.

So far tutorials by BitesNbits and Lazy Devs have been very helpfull.

stuff added since last time

  • the code has been cleaned up a bit
  • a better looking end and start screen
  • The tile grid is randomized
  • It loops and can keep going forever

might get added in the future

  • better visual/sound design
  • and a generally more fun and balanced experience (it might be too difficult now)
  • a better not as lazy title

and yes I am also making a shmup


good game for eyes

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