I'm trying to use the Pico 8 editor without a mouse, and I've seen from other posts how to use CTRL-TAB to navigate between tabs.
However, does anyone know if there's a keyboard shortcut to create a new tab?
Edit: Added to "bugs" as suggested since the keyboard shortcut appears to be missing.
I don't believe there is one (or if there is, it's not documented).
Indeed, a shortcut is missing: https://www.lexaloffle.com/dl/docs/pico-8_manual.html#Code_Tabs
There is a shortcut to enable keyboard mouse but I can’t find it again
You can edit this thread to make the title a request («Add keyboard shortcut to add code tab») and change the category to Bugs.
Thanks merwok. I'd found the shortcut for keyboard mouse (F10) but that doesn't work in the code editor. I've change the category to bugs as suggested.
There's an existing keyboard "shortcut" for adding a tab.
For "quick" reference, here's the "shortcut":
1) Ctrl-End
2) -
3) -
4) >
5) 8
7) (type some text)
8) Ctrl-S
9) ESC
11) ESC
Viola! New tab! So easy. 😜
Here's a GIF of it in action:
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