Bruh why you make this about smol man he made his own now but its ez.

I think your mod is broken and it is not possible to pass it, I played the old version and I must say that it was not a big deal to add more decoration, I think it would have been better to keep it simple.

@BYME I just tested, everything is possible. If you're stuck at 1100, you're doing something wrong. ;)

@aKidCalledAris This might help you https://celesteclassic.github.io/glossary/#spikeclip
Look in the second bit

Oh wow, that's weird, that's a crime against nature, and it's really cool
edit: i'm not up for beating it lol but it does look Quite Cool

Fun mod, pretty hard and had some fun tech, took me around 15 mins to complete.

bro nerf 1100
i grinded on it for longer than i grinded on ur mom last night and its way too hard compared to all of the other levels
split it into two different levels if you really want to keep it, like the going up part and then the going down on 1200
love you
oh yeah also buff 800 and 900 too ez

so you grinded for like 30 seconds? that's not that bad.
I'm not nerfing 1100 it's my baby child and i love it
I might buff 800 and 900 tho

lets go first win of this game so far
i'm gonna try harder for less deaths and time and stuff maybe
im also gonna work on celelste more.

"it's my baby child and i love it"
You know how they say "kill your darlings"?
In this case, it's the other way round: your darlings kill.
Neat mod though, albeit a bit brutal and janky. 7:33, 91 deaths (though that was after resetting when I realized gem was needed)

I like the update, but i feel like some levels are just made more annoying and less fun. 600 and 800 are way more annying now. The red looks fire tho.

Well TBH i feel like you should prioritise difficullty over fun.

im stuck at 6/14, i made it through the spikes below the balloon but im not sure how to regain my dash after that

@NatNatNJG You're supposed to wait for the balloon to recharge and then dash down while inside the balloon so you regain it as you spike clip
Segmented playthrough I made: https://www.veed.io/view/c1f85e9d-237d-4026-97a3-529b1c4518fc?panel=showcase

cool mod, decently hard
blakery seal of approval congratulations sand
also if ur struggling on 1100:


no hacks just skill ;)
relatively consistent 700m strat for people who don't want to deal with dumb rem spike jump crap
if anyone beats my pb please tell me or i will forever brag that i have wr

im just bad at almost all celeste speed strats i am fully bad at these strats
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