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I don't remember creating an account with my email address and I never bought anything from here before. Is there any way to change my Username or am I stuck with what I am given??


Sure -- please email me (hey at lexaloffle.com) from your account's email address, with the username you'd like to switch to.

Thanks zep! I will get on that.

can I change it too?

Hi @zep the above email doesn't seem to be working. Or did I type it wrongly?

@zep The above email doesn't work for me either, is it still the same thing or has it changed since then?

@CatastrophicCal Maybe you're using an underscore ( _ ), but shouldn't be? It might look like there is an underscore in that address, but there isn't. The username is separated from the @domain.com part with a space so it doesn't get scraped by bots.

Good point -- I changed my original post so that the username widget thing doesn't mess it up.

In any case, I couldn't find an email from you -- could you please send one again with the username you'd prefer? (hey at lexaloffle dot com)

Oh hey, @zep I've emailed a few times about this, but haven't heard back... I've used the email address associated with this account. If I could change it, I'd REALLY appreciate it...

While this topic is open, @zep, you cannot use the @ to address some people in messages for some aliases because their alias has a space or dash - in it.

Suggest you allow the writer using @ to be able to use _ character in place of space or dash -

A simple solution would be to take all aliases and =search and replace= all spaces (#32) and dashes - with _ (#95). Then either do not allow space as a valid character when generating a new alias or auto-convert that space to _

Also convert over any other abnormal characters in alias [ ^ @ etc. as well.

Thanks !

I hope I'm not late to the conversation, does someone know where I can find zep's email, or how I can ask him for a user change?

You're coming in late in the day, @RL232030. :)

To write ZEP as he stated above it is:

(hey at lexaloffle dot com)

Ok I was confused because it I wrote it as you did but I realized the weird looking a means at, it was on my nose the whole time but thank you anyways

sent an email on 2024-04-08, still no response :(

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