Hi! I'm thinking install Linux in an old HP Mini 210 32bits netbook but not sure wich Linux distro install on it in order to use Pico-8. I've searching in the Pico-8 docs but I don't find nothing clear and I'm very newbie in Linux.
Anybody knows what is the "minimal" Linux version/distribution that allows me using Pico-8?
Thanks in advance!
This list is a pretty good place to start!
The only ones I've tried personally on the list are Puppy Linux and Linux Mint XFCE, and of the two I preferred Puppy Linux for an older machine with limited power like your netbook. I've never tried running PICO-8 on these though, so I can't vouch for that.
anything that can run x86_64 binaries will work, really, you can pick the OS you want depending on specific features you like :)
I like debian the most personally, with an xfce desktop environment. you could try ubuntu or fedora with xfce or lxde!
@2bitchuck very interesting the list you provided. I think I'll try install PuppyLinux, it seems light enough for the netbook and pico-8 seems to work on it (at least in the raspberry pi version of puppyinux) according to this post (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=40318).
@merwok, I'm not sure if HP Mini 210 can run a 64 bits OS, so I'll try the 32 bits version. However, I have a more powerful PC on which I want to install Linux as well, on that one I will put a version capable of executing x86_64 binaries knowing that this is the requirement.
Thank you guys.
Hi all!
I was finally able to test PuppyLinux 32bit on my HP Mini 210 in live usb mode. I have tested the latest version of PICO8 on it and it works really well even in full screen, smoother than fullscreen in Windows. I'll try more lightweight distros to see how it works on them and which one I like more, it's a good way to use old hardware. Thanks for your help!
That's great, glad that worked out! I love being able to breathe new life into old gear :).
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