This is much more than just a small feature request because it would likely require much more effort to make it happen (if it's even feasible).
But while I was using Splore and looking at the "search BBS thread" and "open thread in browser" actions, I started wondering: Once the login feature has been added to PICO-8, would it be possible to access the BBS directly from PICO-8 as well? Has this idea been floated around before? And if it is not possible in PICO-8, then what about Picotron?
If it's possible then it could be a neat way to unify the whole PICO-8 experience within the software.
Any thoughts?
Eh I've thought about it before, I kinda would rather have it be a separate thing. comments can be nice but imagine the bots or worse being in the console it's self and everything IDK.
Syncing is really really nice. hope My 2 account's lists can be added together or if I need to sync it at first myself which shouldn't be too hard. But ya that's just me maybe could be cool
It could be an exclusive thing, @SmellyFishstiks.
That is you cannot access the BBS inside your Pico-8 code unless you have truly purchased Pico-8. That should take out the bots.
Personally as a purchaser of Pico-8 I am looking forward to some real estate, say 256-bytes to do with as I please where anyone online can read from it but only the code I've written can write to it. :)
An advanced version of cartdata().
@dw817 like online cartdata? If so, that could be a way to create "daily challenge" type features in games among other things.
Yep, you have it, @Emalan-P. Just as you worded it. that exact related request.
Anyone can read from it but only the author can write to it. Even if someone took your cart from online and ran it offline or even reposted it online, the best they could get would be to read from it and nothing further. An attempt to write to it checks the actual authenticity of the author.
error: BSET() You do not have authority to access this BBS file. file. Please check your account and try again. |
Other error messages could be:
This bbsdata() name is already
taken by a different author
Set bbsdata() first before
bget() or bset()
Which would mean somewhere in Lexaloffle, possibly clicking your icon in the top-right-hand corner you could choose "register bbsdata names" and have up to 16- or 64- slots to enter in names up to 64-characters that you reserve personally for yourself for bbsdata() that no-one else can write to.
This might even only be available to paying members as an incentive to purchase the Pico-8 system.
I'm going to go ahead and give this "suggested feature" a gold star.
What do you think, @zep. Can this be done ?
about the original question: I don’t think there would be much enthusiam from people for browsing the forum at 128x128, or from zep to implement http and html modules. I for one want to play games with pico-8, it’s fine that the forum uses a browser.
something could be said for some kind of bbs inside picotron, though (and voxatron :D move your character around to visit forum sections)
about the unrelated request of online data storage: there’s already a function called scoresub
planned, search zep’s tweets for the specifications.
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