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Be aware, ZEP just fixed this. Thanks, Zep !


If you click on your user name (see the golden arrow above) and icon that appears in the top-right-hand corner of this website (Lexaloffle), a small menu will appear beneath that.

If you click on Profile you get a page that shows all your posts and cartridges.

To view just the images of cartridges you've written, click on Cartridges.

And it will show you the cartridges you've written.

OK now here's the problem. If you scroll down a bit:

You will see carts you've not only written yourself but carts you've written on OTHER people's threads.

May I suggest there be an option to list ONLY the carts that you've written yourself - where you are the author of the thread.

The problem with the existing view is I will see carts that I've posted where I was making suggestions to someone's existing cart or perhaps fixing a bug or two.

I would like to have the option for a view where it shows ONLY the carts that I myself have written from scratch, and only the game-boxes as you see here.

And have it so the link can be shared with my friends, where I can show them what I've written myself, just like this link is shared:


Would anyone else like this ability, to list only your own personal cartridges that can easily be accessed in Lexaloffle ?



Thanks for the heads up -- this was a bug. The only categories carts posted in comments on another author's thread are supposed to show up in are Jam, and All.

It should be working now.

(p.s. that's quite a catalogue you have there!)

Hi @zep ! Wow you wrote me in my own thread. I think that's a first. It's only been 6-years. Yay !

Wow. The ZEP !
Or is it just, "Zep" ?
Your choice, of course.

Errm, back to topic. Let me try that link again ...

Oh yeah, that's the stuff ! NICE ! Lists only the cartridges I posted and own the thread to.

I feel better about sharing the link now with my friends in Writer's Cafe - to focus on me ! :)

Why so many carts ? What can I say, I love your program. 💗 A few of the main reasons while I got you on the horn:

  1. Runs immediately, no compilation time.
  2. Online access: Splore, easy to save your online carts with save @clip, etc.
  3. GOTO and FLIP(). I need these, please don't remove them.
  4. Uses very little CPU.
  5. Export to PNG/HTML/BIN
  6. Superbly diverse and helpful community.
  7. No recurring online fees.

Thanks so much !!

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