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Cart #celestesnake-1 | 2022-10-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A celeste mod, where Madeline is a snake... don't ask.
Strawberries function like the apples in snake, and will increase the length.


This is a fun mod


Most unique Celeste mod I've seen in a while. Nice job.


funny :) but if i go off screen it... takes me off screen. idk i somehow got teleported to 1200m

You can just go off the side of the screen and go up to get to the next level, making it pretty easy.
But this a fun and unique mod anyway!

only way I can pass level 2

10/10 mod


that took a while (i dont know were snakeline go T-T)

if you go to the left then up you skip the level

He he he

XD, this is fun


hey @girres42 here is an idea if you wanted

if you want to be fancy collect the green orb madeline hair turn green neo and mekes her go in a diogenel line

       0   0
          O  -yoooo

I’ll do that next thanks

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