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Cart #space_thread-0 | 2021-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This game was made during

Theme: Joined Together


Left / Right Arrow keys, Z / X

Tip: Burn materials to make the rope longer so you can travel farther

Made by

Sebastian Lind

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Wow, this is really well-executed, and a great take on the theme! I like how you kept it to only 2 buttons, keeps things immediately understandable. Also impressive work with the rotating sprite.

@MacadamiaMan Thank you, lovely to hear!

I am very much enjoying this little gem.
Simple controls and and enjoyable game to play.

This is such a fun, weird little game. There's so many nice graphical touches and the palette gives it a really unique look. The main game mechanic works really well, the thread is a neat way to show the player the way back to the centre. I love exploring the level and finding all the weird little power-ups. :)

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