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Cart #galaxis-4 | 2022-09-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A simple shmup reminiscent of the arcade era.

Galaxis was made using the Lazy Devs Shmup Tutorial on YouTube

Galaxis is also being submitted to the Lazy Devs Basic Shmup Jam on itch.io. Please check out all the other awesome submissions! Downloadable versions of many of the submissions are available over there.

Who the ♥♥♥♥ is ALF?


D-Pad [arrow keys] to move
O Button [z/c/n] to fire guns
X Button [x/v/m] to fire missiles

In the Menu screen:

  • Fly to the top of the screen to start the game
  • Fly to the left to see the credits
  • Fly to the right to see the highscores

How to Play


Your mission is to fly into enemy space and destroy the aliens that pose a threat to all life on Earth!

You must wipe out all enemies to clear a wave.
Clear all 9 waves + the final boss to win!


You start with 3 lives (indicated in the bottom left).
Getting hit by an enemy or enemy bullet costs 1 life.
When you run out of lives, Game Over! You will have to start from the beginning.


You start with 1 missile, but you can hold up to 3 (indicated in the top right).
Pressing X fires a missile. Missiles explode damaging all enemies caught in the blast.


You start with 0 power with a max of 9 (indicated in the top left).
Collecting a Power Pip increases your power by 1. Getting hit costs 3 power.
Enemies will sometimes drop a Power Pip when destroyed.
Destroying an enemy while it is attacking increases the odds of a drop.
When you have full power, you will automatically enter Power Mode, tripling the shots from your main guns.
After 6 seconds, you will exit Power Mode. Time spent in hyperspace (between waves) doesn't count.
Collecting Power Pips while in Power Mode extends the timer. Getting hit reduces it.


Every 10,000 points a bonus missile will appear.
Damaging a bonus missile enough turns it into a bonus heart (1-up)!
Be careful! Damaging a bonus heart too much destroys it!
Collecting a bonus missile while you have 3 missiles or a bonus heart while you have 3 lives awards 1,000 points.


Destroying more powerful enemies awards more points (indicated in the top middle).
Destroying an enemy while it is attacking increases your chain (indicated below score).
Continuing to destroy enemies during their attack awards bravery points based on your chain.
Watch out! If you destroy an enemy during its attack, another enemy will immediately attack in retaliation!
If an enemy completes an attack run, you will lose your chain.

If your score is high enough, you will be able to enter your name in the highscore table!
Use Up/Down to change the letter, use Right/O to move to the next letter, use Left/X to move to the previous letter.


All art, music, sounds, and code were created by R. Glenn Cagle ( @MisterWizard01), inspired by the work of Krystian Majewski ( @Krystman) on Cherry Bomb as part of the Lazy Devs Shmup Tutorial on YouTube.

Special Thanks

To Krystian Majewski, the best coding tutorialist on YouTube
To all my students and coworkers who helped me playtest
And @badmini99, the only person other than me to have beaten the game before its release

And ALF, a legend.


Version 1

Version 0 was a mistaken upload. Had some dev stuff still enabled. V1 is the first public version.

Version 2

You can no longer shoot down your own missiles.
You can now fire your missile while holding the primary fire button.
Tweaked the cart label art.

Version 3

Lives indicator is now drawn below the sprites.
Centered the boss's fly in animation.
Added cloud of green smoke when collecting a bonus.

Version 4

Fixed infinite Power Mode glitch.


I don't really intend to keep working on this game any longer. The only thing I think really needs more attention is the music. Power Mode could use a little aesthetic help as well, but I set my deadline for this project at 6 Sep (the original jam deadline) and at this point it's good enough.

That said, if you see any bugs let me know! I will release another version for bug fixes if you spot any.



A really nice, polished, Shmup. Power-Mode is a nice touch and some of your enemy attacks are really nasty - the one that goes to the side of the screen and then does a circular attack. Great fun

Great Shmup with very good feeling. I loved finished it and destroy the Greater Menace ;-)

Love the power mechanics and the gestion of the bonus between BOMB or LIFE. It hads a good sense of strategy. Bravo !

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