Here's a photo of PICO-8 running on my arcade cabinet. Jelpi (with 2nd player activated) is super fun to play on it.
I re-mapped the cabinet's MAME-style inputs to what PICO-8 expects, including P1 START to Cmd-R to start/re-start the game, but I still have to manually type "LOAD JELPI" first. Is there a way to specify a cart to load via the command line? That would be ideal for the custom game picker/launcher that I have on the cabinet.
That's so cool!
You could make one of the buttons type "LOAD (game)" on click, although I'm not sure how you would go about doing that on a Mac...
Until a proper autoloading method is implemented I thin the best bet would instead create a mouse macro to click the full screen button on a game's page.
Also any other buttons pressed.
However that is a bit of a round about way to do it.
Looks rather nice in a cabinet for sure.
So excellent. Thanks for posting
Command-line load & run is coming in 0.1.2, specifically intended for such cabinets :)
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