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Cart #picopuyotetris-11 | 2022-09-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! This is my first pico8 game. You can play a vs tetris game, a vs puyo puyo game, or a vs swap game (changing the game every 30 seconds)!

Both games are implemented close to their respective standards (Tetris guideline and Puyo Puyo Tsuu rules). The swap garbage is a 1 line-to-4 nuisance puyos conversion.

Desired future features:

  • mini-display between the boards in swap mode, showing your other game board
  • swap combos (piece in other game continues to fall while you play, if it completes a line/set, it does so and starts a buffed combo on your current game)
  • better sound effects
  • music


hello and welcome!

on the bbs, when you have a new version of a game, you should edit your original post and upload the new cart. (you can keep the old carts accessible inside a spoiler tag if you want too)

if you always put picopuyotetris as the cart ID, then the bbs will automatically add -0, -1 etc. for versioning. in the lists of posts and in splore, people will see the game once.

hope this helps!

thank you for the info! I will delete these old posts when I make a new one!

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