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Testing my first game for the lazy devs shumps

is a shmup where you need to defend your base and destroy the enemy one.

My very first game ever, very excited!!

Cart #wogoberezu-0 | 2022-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


There's a really good game here that I think is struggling to get out. I'm not sure I understand actually what the player needs to do so I'll try to provide instructions.

You and your team of spacecraft need to fend off the aliens and attack their base. If your base is destroyed its game over so you sometimes need to retreat and defend it. This concept is great but I reached the end and just pumped loads of bullets into a glowing yellow red thing and nothing seemed to happen. Do I need to destroy all the enemy craft too? A tactic I resorted too was just rushing to the end and shooting the yellow / red thing.

For some reason the start of the game is really slow and jumpy (playing in browser). Is there a punishment at all for dying? There's no score, so is this game just win or lose? Why does flying backwards take so long (when your base is under attack). Is the strategy just to kill yourself and start again at the bottom?

But there's so much I love in this game: the concept of you are not fighting alone and have the support of other craft and sattelites. The concept of having to fight to an end goal.

As I said, there is a great game buried in here and it probably won't take much to iron out the kinks. Is the game actually finshed? Please keep going with this as I think this game could be really good.

Update : I think I actually won this game but since I had x pressed the whole time I think the game just started again! This definitely needs to be addressed.

Hi @xavinossvelic:

Player ship does not move left or right.
I'm not sure if this was accidental or intentional.

@dw817 I think you have to wait for all the satelites to launch. Quite why you have to wait and can also shoot I'm not sure.

Actually you can hold up and you move forwards before they have all launched.

The start of the game is rather confusing...

Hi @phil thank you for all your comments and summary of the game. I really appreciate. The game is for the lazy devs jam for the shumps tutorials. I needed to rush the launch because tomorrow i have to go on a trip for one week and i didn´t want to lose the deadline. I put a good amount of effort in it and i know that i have left some rough edges. I am looking foward to update the game when i return next week. English is not my native languaje, sorry if it reads a little weird :).

Hi @dw817 yes the idea is to hold up in order to launch the ship. You can do it at any time, i will update in the start to avoid confucion!!.

Interesting tactics, @xavinossvelic.

The fact you can not just move up and down but SCROLL the galaxy and have arrows telling you where objects are out of sight.

When you die though it just starts over. Suggest gala ending and gala losing. Especially something along the lines of




Thanks for all the comments!!. I just update my game i repost it in this link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=49330

when you have a new version of a game, you should edit your original post and upload the new cart. (you can keep the old carts accessible inside a spoiler tag if you want too)

if you always put the same ID (for example space-confront, then the bbs will automatically add -0, -1 etc. for versioning. in the lists of posts and in splore, people will see the game once.

hope this helps!

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