Small twitch based platformer I made to familiarize myself with Pico-8 coding.
Left and right arrow keys move the character.
Up arrow allows the character to jump, either holding the key or pressing the key once more in the air allows for a slightly less powerful double jump.
z allows the character to grapple to a green block. Hold z to remain grappled.
The grapple hook is designed to emulate a spring, by pressing left and right the character can swing, by pressing the down arrow key you can tug on the rope to help build momentum to reach higher areas.
Feedback is welcome and much appreciated.
Credit: Collision code is heavily based on the methods used in Jelpi with modifications.

Fun game! The grapple mechanic is fun to play around with. You should add a checkpoint button!

Wow what a game! For a single screen without any background graphics or music this sure felt like a full experience. Seeing the ending sign, failing right before and still spending another 15 minutes trying to get back to it to properly finish the game sure says something about the level of your game mechanics. Sublime game, would love to see it fleshed out a little more, but already great at it's guts.
Oh I fell through a set of yellow floor at one point at a high speed. Maybe add another layer of ground below it or something to mitigate that.
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