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by hiko
Cart #cb1-5 | 2023-03-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Get Gum, Out it, and GO!!

One boy after school wants to eat some sweets... so Let's go to dagashiya!! (Japanese old style candy store)

Using your chewing gum, jump over walls, beat spikes, and go moon with monkeys!!

itch.io -> https://hikokyoujurou.itch.io/chewingboy

P#113143 2022-06-14 09:56 ( Edited 2023-03-11 08:29)

I was having a blast until some of the final levels where (from what I can tell) the room for error seemed really low and the game would have massive growing lag everytime you restarted (or maybe it was just over time in general.. is it the stars?)
Other than that I really enjoyed it and it felt great.
Levels I was stuck on:

P#113144 2022-06-14 10:47

The idea is nice, but I think the shooting is too fiddly. I spent far more time trying to get the gum to not hit the wrong surface than figuring out solutions.

P#113145 2022-06-14 11:14

Thanks for information, I probably fix it.

Thank you for playing and feedback, If you like please tell me which stage is difficult.

P#113146 2022-06-14 11:21 ( Edited 2022-06-14 11:34)

The animations are just charming for this game, and unique puzzle idea at that. Gold star work, @hiko !

P#113164 2022-06-14 16:46

What a nice game! I like how it combines platforming with more tricky puzzle levels. But yeah, some late levels require too much precision. Also, there are some shortcuts. For example, you can skip a wall by jumping over it on the 29th level. But I don't think these shortcuts are bad.

P#113169 2022-06-14 20:24

Wonderful game! The main mechanic is simple, but I was surprised to see how much variety you squeezed into the level design. I agree though that some of the later levels are too much about shot precision and not the puzzling part. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out if the window for the gum arc is actually supposed to be that narrow or maybe there's a simpler solution I can't figure out. I feel like I have "cheesed" a couple of levels too, not using all the available gum or the monkeys (but I appreciate there being multiple solutions and it makes me feel smart, hehe). The monkey mechanic was a nice surprise, and they require a bit more platforming swiftness too, which I enjoyed. You got nice attention to detail in all the various background scenery, music and the tutorial. I'm not a fan of scaling the pixels, bit it looks nice here, and you don't see that on Pico-8 often! All in all, I was hooked onto it for more than an hour, until level 28 got the best of me and I had to call it a day. I just discovered I can play carts on my phone, so it really took me back to having nice little bite-sized games on my cellphone in 2000s, hahah. Would feel perfect on Game Boy too! Nice job and keep it up!

P#113408 2022-06-20 17:27

Great puzzle platformer. I love the sly look Chewing Boy gives whenever you complete a level.

P#127159 2023-03-15 04:13

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