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Cart #amidus-4 | 2022-06-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Any key to start/skip waiting screens.
➡️ Right Arrow to Speed up the loop while choosing the path.
➡️ During the waiting screen at the end of every success or fail, use Right Arrow to -recklessly- advance Level (added for testing purposes but you could use that to test your skills at advanced difficulty, no actual benefit to score obviously, you simply skip easier levels)

Game Description

The 80's arcade game Amidar had a bonus stage every two levels, this pico-8 game helps in training your skills for that stage until extreme levels. The difficulty and complexity of random stages gradually increases at every level.

For those unfamiliar with Amidar: at first it might seem "based on luck" but it's definitely not:
you should choose the correct path to the prize by following an ideal path starting from the bottom where the banana is and then follow the path upwards to know the correct one to choose (read below).

Path algorithm

The movement on path is based on "Amidakuji (Wikipedia)" method of lottery, basically move vertically up/down, follow the first horizontal line you encounter and so on.


It took me a week of development: 3-4 for the actual game, the remaining 3 for music and sound



Simply superb, @Heracleum !

And the music is out of this world, especially the game over music. Very well done. Gold star work !


I got whittled down to one life by level 15, but lasted until level 27. Great implementation.

I particularly liked what it generated here, weaving the entire width of the field.

I second @dw817 on the music. I was impressed when it changed at level 10. My only disappointment is that it didn't change again when I lasted through to level 20.

@Cowirrie that was(/is) the original plan :) changing music every 10 levels... but it took me a lot to make music, the gameover music took a whole day and half.

Someone just went over 10k of score and it's a little embarrassing I still can't beat that :D


This is sneakily addictive. I love the idea of having a trainer for a bonus stage on an arcade.

I made it to level 19, but succumbed to my old man failing reflexes: knowing where to go, but hitting the button too late!

Really well done.

@natebeaty yeah it has been probably a good idea to start very small with the first pico8 cart (I didn't even persist the hiscore lol, I'm scared to look at the code) ...then decided to take a giant leap for the second one and it didn't go well (hit all limits tokens, chars, including actual out-of-memory).

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