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I haven’t seen this mentioned but somebody ported Celeste Classic to GBA by reimplementing just enough of Pico 8 to get it running.


This should mean porting other Pico 8 games to GBA should be easy?



Easy as in rewrite the whole game in C using helper functions!

Example main.c code:

void set_hair_color(u8 djump)
	if (djump == 1)
		pal(8, 8, PAL_PLAYER);
	else if (djump == 2)
		pal(8, 7+flr((frames/3)%2)*4, PAL_PLAYER);
		pal(8,12, PAL_PLAYER);

Nonetheless quite a feat and an interesting avenue to port games to one of the best handheld of all time!

surely someone does terra

Kinda silly to use float when:

  • The GBA doesn't have floating point hardware, so floating point calculations are compiled to use slow software routines
  • Pico-8 doesn't use floating point, but instead uses fixed point, which would be really fast on GBA.

But I guess that's just the kind of silliness that happens when you use C which doesn't provide a fixed-point type, or any way to easily define and use custom numeric types as if they were first-class types...

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