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In this forum, I'm having an odd problem. I can't see it anyway when I'm creating a topic in this forum. I started trying out yesterday and almost posted three or four topics, but I can't see any of them. What is causing this? Has anyone encountered such kind of issue?

This is a thread! I also remember another one from earlier (about discord), maybe you deleted it or it was judged spam.

You may have drafts or ghots, go to profile menu → posts → drafts or unlisted.

No I did not delete the discord thread and how did you guess that it was a spam thread.

Anyway, I was experiencing the issue on Discord that I cant hear anyone. Would you please help me to resolve the issue?

I meant that maybe a moderator thought the thread was spam (meaning off-topic) and deleted it.

Discord sound issues are not really on-topic for this forum, and I don’t see how someone could help you with text posts. You should contact discord support, or ask in the help channel of the unofficial pico-8 discord server.

Good luck!

Hi @GillianCronin:

Be certain you are viewing the forum HERE:


NOT here:


The cat=7 means to list only cartridges whereas leaving it off lists EVERYTHING in Lexaloffle.

Hi @merwok, actually I was encountering the issue while playing the game Pico 8. So I created an account here. But when I opened Discord to communicate with them, I can't hear anyone. Also, I can't share anything. So I posted the topic here.

Discord is an instant text chat. There are audio channels too but most of the time they are empty. You have to join the pico8 server after you open discord.

Ok thank you for your response.

Friends, I have figured out the issue with the help of this article https://silicophilic.com/cant-i-hear-anyone-on-discord/. The task which I have done I changed the output device as default. Then the problem got solved. Anyway, thank you so much.

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