(Part of the ooooggll box game pack):
Scrolleste, but without lava and with stars and with checkpoints and better colored ground and hair and sky once you get the gem, and also I added the lava back.
Also known as Scrolleste Upgrade.
This mod (technically a mod of my own mod of someone else's mod of Celeste) was meant more as practice for PICO-8 and Celeste modding, than as an actual quality mod. Better mod(s) coming soon though.
Normal - No lava, checkpoints at Old Site, gem chest, and at the summit.
Yolo - No lava, but no checkpoints. If you die you go back to the beginning.
Lava Yolo - No checkpoints, lava added back. Basically the classic Scrolleste but with new graphics.

Wow this is realy a huge upgrade, I love the chekpoint system and the ability to do lava and no lava in the same hack. The backround is just the icing on the cake.

I think I completed Classic Celeste without dying just once, after a lot of practice. Classic Scrolleste was just beyond me, regardless of the lava speed. This in Normal mode was a playable challenge, so thank you for making it.
Is there room in the checkpointing system to record:
- Berries collected
- Gem collected
At the moment, dying means you lose all berries, so dying at a checkpoint means gems collected before that are unobtainable. Here I had collected all the berries on the way up, but only berries between the gem and the summit counted.

I was also curious about going downhill from the summit, but after dying I no longer had the gem. Probably there are people who can negotiate all the spikes backwards without the gem, but I'm not one of them.
Since the location below isn't a level starting point, it feels like there should be something placed there, like a second penguin.

Regardless of the above, excellent mod.

- I probably could change the checkpoint code to remember berries/gem collected. I might update it sometime but idk.
- It's possible to get back to the start, from the summit, I have done it. Even without the gem. It may or may not require speedrun tech though.
- I am not sure how to edit the map, since it is saved in a code rather than the built-in map. But if I find a way to change it I'll definitely add a couple penguins :)

it is his mod, and idk if he likes the fact that you made almost no changes and uploaded as youre own.

Modding is a part of pico 8, especially Celeste. Also warspy is credited in the code. It's called Scrolleste "Upgrade" not Celeste Mod I Made All By Myself. If warspy doesn't want me uploading this he can tell me himself. Not trying to be rude though. I just didn't think someone would get mad at me for modding their game.

I Beat This F*cking Game With Normal Mode, 6 + 5 + 6 = 17 Strawberries, Score 3263, And 55 Deaths!

If You Want To Play The Normal Mod, Click This Link!
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