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Welcome to Rescue Blob! You're a blob and you have to save your buddy from the evil Oola Aliens.

You need at least 15 coins to survive a death 💀.
Try to collect the 2 existing trophies 🏆.

Update: Working on a new physics engine, it's still unfinished.
(I just made it change the x by 0.22 instead of 1, but then the collision function doesn't recognise parts of blocks)

Cart #rescueblob-7 | 2022-02-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here is the one with the old physics engine:

Cart #rescueblob-6 | 2022-02-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

-- Credits --
Music by Robby Duguay
Lots of sprites and all the sfx made by me, some borrowed from nerdyteachers.com
Game over font by dw817
And last but not least, the menu background is by twitter user @bjornkri

I thought I recognized that font, @VictorTheCoder. :)

I'm a little confused though. While you seem to have free-flowing vertical movement, your horizontal movement is on a tight grid ?

That's fine, @VictorTheCoder. Look to HERE especially for help on Pico-8. It's what got me started:


There is also the WIKIA:


This Cheat Sheet may help you too.


Wow, cool. Glad you could find a use for my 'tornado' :)

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