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Having taken a look at @taxicomics excellent 280-character Flappy Bird:
I went about to see if I could write my own, where the game increases in speed depending upon your score, and managed to do so.
It's called "psychedelic" because the walls all use an interesting pattern depending upon your score.
Use the 🅾️ key to flap. I also tried to make it very much like the original FLAPPY game where you just tap the key and already the bird is bouncing up - that and the opening size. It also only has one set of walls you must pass so there is no chance for the game to be impossible with two openings too close to each other for the player to navigate.
The wall positions and patterns are the same every time so this game could for instance be speedrun with no unpredictable wall positions. Also the game speeds up for every point so eventually you have to have very good reflexes indeed for a higher score.
I am only checking the nose of FLAPPY so if your middle or back hits a wall, you are still safe and it does not count as a collision. You can tell when you do collide with the wall as the color suddenly goes red and you lose control of Flappy. Your final score will appear in the top-left-hand corner of the screen.
Press CTRL+R to start a new game at any time.
t=rnd g=1y=0z=0s=0r=rectfill::_::srand(s)fillp(t(-1))w=t(95)+16_set_fps(25+s)for i=128,-8,-g do cls()r(i,0,i+7,w-12)r(i,w+12,i+7,127)?s ?chr(176),62,y if(pget(68,y)>0or y<-8or y>128)g=0pal(6,8) z+=.2y+=z if(btnp(4)and g>0)z-=4 flip()end s+=1goto _ |
The code is currently at 125-tokens or 247-characters and there are no special characters in the sourcecode nor does it use the spritesheet as other Pico-8 tweet code Flappy Bird have done in the past so the game in its entirety can be both pasted and read from TWITTER with ease.
This is the 4th version and I think this is about as far as I can compress it.
My top score is 12. How high can YOU get ?
Very nice one!
I sadly only got to 4, but i now see your point about variying speed and not distance.
Thanks, @taxicomics !
Strangely I got to a score of 14 last night before I went to bed. I think if you're more relaxed it's easier to play. :)
I'm going to do some work with it since I've still got some characters left, see if I can record high-score via DSET() and DGET() and add color.
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