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EDIT: Hello all, this game is live now.
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Cart #redafazupu-7 | 2022-01-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

CTF (Capture The Flag). You're on the red team. Grab a green team flag and return it to a red team flag.

Hey what's up guys? I've been working on a small game during the weekends. I was thinking about if I am close to completing it. I started thinking, hm yeah 70% no 50% ... maybe by the end of March ...

I don't have a lot of game dev experience, and really don't anybody to play test. I'm just kind of curious what you think about the game. Is it engaging or frustrating to you? Comment please, anything is welcome.

Shoutz to Gustavo on itch.io for the sprites. I just recolored em.



I love this so much! It somehow comes close to capturing those good old Quake CTF days, and it feels like you're in an intense multiplayer match.

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