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I've actually had a great many ideas I suggested 3-years ago (09-12-2019) and several have come to pass since after that time. Thanks for doing these, @zep !

Listed below are suggestions he has done, and for those of you learning Pico-8, you can see some features you may not be aware of.

  • Turn off mouse-cursor in editor when typing. Turn it back on when physical mouse is moved or clicked. Macintosh does this by default.

  • Have ability to change repeat speed for BUTNP(). Currently it's a tad slow. Likely others would want to change the initial delay for the first repeat and the repeat speed after. If it can be changed via source-code so much the better.

  • Currently hitting BACKSPACE goes back a webpage even if the focus is on the P8 cart in the BBS. Hitting the TAB key also selects from the browser. This makes a text entry mode difficult. Suggest that all non-vital keys be locked and available in the cart until focus is lost. Also turn OFF all audio when clicked outside CART would be good too - or better yet just FREEZE the whole cart until it's frame is clicked again. Whereupon it continues both with sound and position - exactly where you left it.

  • pal() can now access new palette additionally. pal(original color,new color (>=128 possible),normal flag)

  • Every time you run your program it auto-saves your program as either the name you gave it or a default "backup" name to a backup directory.

  • Have Fill pattern to a character not just for cross-hatch characters but ALL special icons including arrows, circle, X, etc.

  • Option for PRINT with two arguments, the 2nd argument is now not X but color. New color applies if >=128

You can find the full list HERE:


So what new ideas did I dream up last ?

Two of them, really.

To my knowledge Pico-8 does not have any ability for PRINTING to a printer. And being able to PRINT say for instance the 128x128 screen that is running at the time on a printer would allow someone to make a permanent visual copy of what they were working on.

Options inside PPRINT() would include scaling, and/or centering or cornering on the page. Obviously when you PRINT it would bring up the PRINT SETUP/PREVIEW first. An option to have that .PNG screen save to a directory called /PRINTED/ would also be an advantage.

The other is more difficult. Peer-To-Peer. You would active it much like SPLORE by typing P2P and ENTER. It is not a Pico-8 program but added directly to the Pico-8 operating system.

It would require both (or more) people to share an agreed upon 64-character connection code, prefer it to be random digits and letters. This code could for instance be sent through Email to make sure all 'members' of this club can access this group. The code would not change after that unless so selected by the person who initiated the club.

Then in the P2P program which is still part of Pico-8, it allows 2- or more people to chat and trade P8 code, sprites, and music back and forth - still maintaining the 128x128 pixel resolution.

I know there are a great many peer-to-peer programs out there like DISCORD, yet it might be interesting to see Pico-8 do something like this, specifically for Pico-8 programmers, artists, and musicians.

It would function in a manner that allows EVERYONE in the group to work on code, sprites, mapper, SFX, and/or music. Instead of having to go back and forth each time in Discord swapping a .p8 code, everyone instead could work on a project at once, and still chat with each other. Here are a few picture examples:

For instance you can see the new "talk bubble" beside the "code" icon. The yellow "!" in the bottom-right-hand corner means that you are being paged back to chat.

That's all I have for now. As many of my suggestions have been accomplished and I'm still patiently waiting for the others to be done :) what would YOU like to see happen in Pico-8 ? What suggestions or new commands do you have in mind to make the Pico-8 system easier to use, more versatile, and user-friendly ?

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