TO LOAD THIS CART in immediate mode, type:
load #to_infinity

Written using 5 Pico-8 commands, see code.
Back when i was writing S2 (scenario rpgmaker 2), I wanted to have that cool neat zoom effect like you get on the SNES and more modern RPGs when you enter combat, you know, where the screen would blur and rotate and zoom forward.
At the time I was working in GFA for windows 3.1 and was told it could not be done, that it would require me to grab every pixel on the screen, calculate their point outward, then redraw them.
And yeah the first time I attempted that it was terribly slow and not even that pretty.
But then i got to thinking about blitter objects. You could copy from one blitter plane to another and could even stretch them - so why not make use of a single stretched plane to get that zoom effect I wanted ?
While not perfect it is still pretty impressive for what it can do using zero variables - and since we now have extended memory to work with in Pico-8, it's overdue that I share with you the method on how I did it so quickly and easily those many years ago from today by making use of that extended memory.
Have your screen in whatever state you want it in, then call my toinfinity()
routine to have it in one step zoom the screen outward with distortion.
And that's it! No need to set-up anything or any arrays. In use it does not affect sprites, mapper, or sound, even if changed already in the program.
It =does= use up memory locations E000-FFFF
temporarily, but that's about it.
If you like it please let me know !
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